Předmět slouží k upevnění znalostí španělského jazyka a rozšíření slovní zásoby. Je vhodný především pro studenty, kteří chtějí maturovat ze španělštiny, nebo mají zájem se i po absolvování střední školy dále španělštině věnovat. V hodinách se probírají témata, která jsou součástí ústní maturity. Jednak jsou to témata týkající se běžné konverzace, jako jsou bydlení, mezilidské vztahy, záliby, studium, práce, globální problémy atd. Dále se probírají reálie Španělska a Latinské Ameriky. Studenti se též seznámí s praktickými radami, které se jim mohou hodit, pokud plánují cestu či delší pobyt ve Španělsku.
This course provides exposure to leading ethical theories as well as an opportunity to employ these principles. Aided by viewing videotaped, dramatized scenarios, the reasons advanced for acting ethically and the excuses given for not acting ethically will be studied. The consequences of freedom and personal responsibility will be explored, as will the ability to recognize ethical issues. The first term will focus on study of the different ethical theories. The second term will be spent applying the theories already studied to everyday situations...
This seminar is designed to give students invaluable experience in publishing, graphic design, layout, and most important, journalism. The goal is to publish GVP’s first “American-style” yearbook. The purpose of a yearbook is to chronicle the events of the school year; from local news and activities to international events which affect our lives. In order to fulfill this goal, students who sign-up for the class will have to write publishable articles, both in Czech and English. Students will have to conduct interviews, participate in school events and write about them. Students will also have to schedule photo-shoots, use today’s advanced technology to chronicle, in words and images, the most important and significant events and activities of the school. Students will also be responsible to lay-out the pages of this yearbook, print them on hardcopy, and send the finished product to the publishers while keeping to deadlines set by the publisher. Students’ work will be evaluated based on the quality of their writing, their fulfillment of their tasks, and the professionalism of their work....
This course is for those who would like to study the Bible strictly as probably one of the greatest collection of books ever written and compiled. We will study the Bible using the historical critical method. This method of studying the bible looks at the historical background in which the books were written, the genres of literary styles that are used, and the purpose of the authors in writing the text. The course will be divided into:....
Students will express themselves through various forms of stage performance including music, acting (playing characters), performing monologues, stand-up comedy and improvisation. Students will conduct improvisation exercises, create ideas and produce shows...