Maturitní ročník: Cizí jazyky

Biblical Studies

Hodinová dotace: jednoletý seminář – 2 hodiny týdně

Cíle předmětu:

This course is for those who would like to study the Bible strictly as probably one of the greatest collection of books ever written and compiled. We will study the Bible using the historical critical method. This method of studying the bible looks at the historical background in which the books were written, the genres of literary styles that are used, and the purpose of the authors in writing the text.

Obsah učiva:


1st semester - the Hebrew Scriptures
    • the canon of the HS
    • historical criticism
    • JEDP source theory
    • mythology and history
    • the Pentateuch (the first 5 books)
    • the prophetic books
    • the historical books
2nd semester - the Christian Testament
    • the canon of the CT
    • historical criticism
    • the 4-source theory of the Gospels
    • Gospel parallels
    • the Acts of the Apostles
    • the Pauline Epistles
    • the Johannine Writings