Maturitní ročník: Cizí jazyky

Comparative religion in English

Hodinová dotace: jednoletý seminář – 2 hodiny týdně

Cíle předmětu:

Seminář poskytne příležitost získat informace o klíčových otázkách jednotlivých druhů náboženství. Zaměříme se na judaismus, křesťanství, islám, buddhismus a hinduismus. Vysvětlíme, jak tato náboženství odpovídají na důležité otázky někdy stejným někdy odlišným způsobem a ukážeme, jak určité komponenty jsou sdíleny všemi zmíněnými druhy náboženství.

Obsah učiva:


What, exactly, is religion? And why does one religious tradition often differ so markedly from another, even when you might not expect it to? Why, for example, are the Abrahamic faiths of Judaism, Christianity, and Islam - despite their common source - often so different? And what kind of factors separate beliefs of a Hindu or Buddhist not only from those held by Jews, Christians or Muslims, or by each other, but also from many who identify themselves as fellow Hindus or Buddhist?

A Powerful Force

Every day, religion affects your life, whether directly or indirectly.
    • It forms the foundation for a wide range of moral codes.
    • It is the driving force behind the conduct of many inviduals.
    • It can influence the actions of nations on the world stage.
    • It can affect the public and private live of citizens through religiously based practices.
At a time when religion and religiously grounded issues are so significant in public and private life, it´s difficult to overstate the importance of expanding your understanding of this powerful force and its impact on so many.

The lectures of Comparative Religion offer you an opportunity to gain a solid grasp of the key ideas of the religion itself - the issues that repeatedly surface when you look at any faith´s beliefs, practices, and organization. Using five major religions - Judaism, Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Hinduism we will show how religions can address the same core issues in parallel and different worlds.

Learn the Key Components on Which Every Religion Is Built

Using the basics of these five major religions as starting point - and explaining those basics so that no prior knowledge is needed - we will go deeply into each to reveal and clarify the essential structural components shared by all religions:
    • Creation of myths and sacred stories
    • Concepts of the divine
    • Lifecycle - and calendar-based rituals
    • Various types of sacred people, texts, objects, and spaces
    • Religion´s ultimate goals - the reasons its adherents give them such importance

Learn How a Starting Range of Practices Can Exist Even within the Same Faith

Such variation need not to be confined to different faiths. Even within the same broad religion, the range of practices reflected in faithful observances can be startling.